Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Interesting observation...

So today while I was going to the USC campus this morning I noticed how resourceful Californians are. I saw that Californians took a 3-lane highway (that's going in one direction) and turned it into a 5-lane highway. Your probably wondering how they can do that. Well you have the motorcyclists split the lanes as they drive along with traffic. Fortunately I got a picture of it, however I am unable to load the picture at this time.

Anyways, today I worked a full day at USC for preparation of the summer seminar that I'm a counselor for. What I did today was some office work on getting some of the students' files organized and accounted for, and I also did some physical labor on transporting 24pk of water from pick-ups to inside the dorm that the students and myself will be staying. Since the summer seminar hasn't started for me yet, all this work that I did today, part of yesterday, and tomorrow is that I'm getting paid separately from what I'll be making for the summer seminar. If things continue to be enjoyable as it has so far, I just might be doing this in future summers. Heck, I might even try to get some friends to fill out applications so that they could go out to California with me.

Well, that's it for today...write to ya'll later.


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