Thursday, July 12, 2007

An update from California...

I know it's been a week since I've updated, and I really wanted to have more posts while I'm here in California. However, I've been having an internet issue here in the dorms of USC. I have been unable to get internet (wireless or ethernet) the room that I'm in. Well anyways here's what has been going on so far.

I am all settled down in my room that I have all to myself, so the first thing that I did was push the two twin beds together to make basically a king size bed. Also I now know what my dad had to deal with in his college dorm a/c. Fortunately the summer program gave all of us counselors box fans for our rooms, so I have mine propped up in the window to blow in cool air into the room.

While here I've gotten to meet and know the other counselors of the summer program. These counselors are from all over the U.S. Most of them are from California or the L.A. area, but there are counselors from Wisconsin, Georgia, Oklahoma, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida to name a few. As for the kids, they come from all over the world. On my floor, there are a couple of kids from Texas. One kid is from Houston and the other from Dallas. Also I've discovered that there are at least 3 kids that are very talented on the guitar. So it's a lot of fun to just hang out with the kids and listen to them play.

So far here at the program the kids have been busy with their classes, and the field trips are starting up. While here in the summer program, the kids get to go on field trips for their classes. For example, last night the electric guitar class went last night to see Queen Latifia sing jazz and got to here some other jazz groups. Also the video game programming class will get to go to Electronic Arts and Nintendo before the program ends. Along with the field trips the counselors and the kids get to hang out and play games when they are done with homework. Like last night we gave the kids an opportunity to play card games, board games, and Mafia. For those that don't know what Mafia is, it's a group game where you have members of the group are mafia, sheriffs, and nurses and it's basically a witch hunt to figure out who are the mafia members. Also here in the evenings we've played some touch football in one of he large grass areas, and last night a bunch of us counselors played some dodge ball after lights out.

I've had lots of good times here, but all with the good you have to take the bad. We've already had a kid sent home due to smoking in his room, and the kids are definitely trying to see what they can and can't get away with. Like last night a couple of kids on my floor were a couple of minutes late to the floor meeting so as counselors we had to give them work details even though they were in their rooms with their door closed. Yes, they were on the floor, but they were still late to the meeting.

Well, that's it for now since this post is already pretty long. Until next time...


At July 16, 2007 4:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you are enjoying your time in California. Fortunately the temperature there is much cooler than Texas since you don't have air conditioning. Have you been on any field trips yet? Give us a call when you get a chance.



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