Monday, December 29, 2008

New apartment!

It's been a while since I have made a post, but what can I say? I have been busy with school work primarily. Since my last post that was about 4 months ago, I have started my first year in teaching. All in all my first year has been a good year so far. There have been some problems along the way, mainly from trying to work with parents (primarily one parent). Those of ya'll that I have talked to, know what I am referring to. Anyways, the issue has been resovled and everyone is back to being hunky doory. Along with trying to work parents, another item that has thrown me in a loop is having my teaching schedule change twice within one semester. The reason for the first schedule change was because the school had more students than thought 6 weeks into the year, and so the school hired a new teacher to level the class sizes. This process took away 3 of my 6 classes (my Pre-Cal) and gave me 2 new classes (1 Advanced Geometry and 1 Honors Geometry). The schedule changed has worked out alright so far. As for the second schedule change, this will happen at the beginning of the spring semester. I will be losing my 7th period Honors Geometry, which is the new Honors Geometry that was created in the first schedule change, and will be acquiring a new Advanced Geometry class to ease the load of students that are in that level of Geometry. So out of all of these schedule chnages, I just feel really sorry for the students that are going through these schedule changes with me. I just hope that the students will be able to endure these changes.

Aside from the teaching world, the other new item is that I have moved into my first real aparment. Even though I stayed in an apartment for 2 years in college, those 2 years in college I wasn't paying for the living expenses. Since I am paying for the living expenses now with this new apartment, that's why I said that this is my first real aparmtent. The apartment is really nice, it is a one bedroom with study apartment that is about 850 sq. ft. I suppose the only downside is that I am living on the 3rd floor, however I will most likely be getting some excercise going up and down the stairs. Fortunately when I was moving in, I had some tremendous help from my parents, Kevin, Brad, Jill, Ethan, Aunt Robin, Uncle Harry, Cory and Kyle. With about 9 of us bringing my stuff up to the apartment while one kept an eye on Ethan, we were about to get everything moved within 3 hours. So thank ya'll very much for helping me out!

To go with the new apartment, I had bought some new furniture namely a sofa, endtables, coffee table, and a dinning table with 4 chairs. The delivery process started off great by having the end tables and coffee table at 10 am Saturday morning (I was in the process of signing my lease when I got the call about the furniture). When 2 pm rolled around, I had received no word about my new sofa. So I had called Ashley Furniture to inquire, and turns out that the dates that the sofa would be coming in had changed without being notified. Fortunately I was able to get some reimbursement for the mistake. Some more good news about the sofa is that this morning I received a phone call telling me that the sofa is in, and will be delivered on Wednesday. As for the dining table and chairs, they came in yesterday with some problems. The first problem is that one of the chairs was damaged when being delivered, and customer service told me that I will be receiving the replacement chair on Jan. 10th. The second problem is that the pedistule for the table is too tall for the chairs. The height of the pedistule currently is built more for bar stools than normal chairs. So if I sit down at the table with my chairs the table is chest high. The third problem is that the table top isn't what I had ordered. The table top was supposed to be able to expand with one table leaf. Well the table top that came in yesterday has no leaf and doesn't expand. So I will be needing to make a trip to Rooms to Go to try and get these problems corrected with my dining table. I'll fill ya'll in how things turn out.


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