Happy Halloween!
Well, this year has been a busy one due to classes and making sure that this is my last semester of taking classes. So to celebrate holloween this year, all I was able to do was make a couple of jack-o-lanterns. Now I had first carved out the design for what I call my flamming pumpkin (I basically set it on fire), but due to time and didn't want excess of kerosene in the apartment I just lit it up with candles.
Now the next one I carved you might think of me as a bit nerdy, but when I saw this idea in the comic Foxtrot, I really wanted to do it. Now due to money and not wanting to carve up alot of pumpkins, I just used the exact value for my Pumpkin Pi.

Lastly I continued to work on the design that I started last year with a pumpkin eating a pumpkin.

So this year I had originally plan to try and go to a halloween party, but like I said earlier, homework comes first. Maybe next year I will be able to go all out and have a really good time with holloween.
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