Friday, June 29, 2007

My impression of California so far...

Yesterday I was asked the question of "What do I think of California/L.A. so far that I've been here?" Well note that I have been here in L.A. for 3 days now, so I can't really come up with concrete opinions of California, but here it goes.

1. Californians are very aggressive drivers. Now with me being from the Houston area, I know what traffic is and how bad it can get. Well California there is traffic, but with everyone being aggressive all the traffic flow keeps moving.

2. There are very little number of left turning lights in L.A. I've come to learn that green means go, red means stop, and yellow means to make your left turn. That's a bit different on what I've come to know with the yellow light which is yellow means to go faster.

3. Californians are very impatient, or always has somewhere to go in very short amount of time. This opinion reflects the traffic flow as well. Granted this opinion is based on one person that I have observed, but again I've only been here for 3 days. Anyways I was riding with guy in his truck to pick up some pizza, and we came up this woman in her car with her kids in her vehicle. Well she came to a complete stop, and allowed the truck coming from our left to go through the intersection. Right as the truck's rear half was infront of the woman, the person I was riding with was honking his horn telling the woman to get a move on. Now also a reason for this behavior could very well be that we were picking up lunch for the office that the person that I was riding with could be hungry.

4. There is political talk all the time around me. Now I really don't mind talking about politics or complaining about what the government is doing wrong, but it can get a bit old when you hear it 24/7. There have been times where I try to change the subject of conversation, and the conversation ultimately comes back to politics. Again, I don't mind talking about politics as long as it is in moderations.

That's about all the obersations that I have made on California/L.A. so far. Now some these could very well change and there will most likely be more, but that's it for now.

As for now, I'm gonna go play some golf with my cousin, her husband, and my uncle. Until the next post.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Interesting observation...

So today while I was going to the USC campus this morning I noticed how resourceful Californians are. I saw that Californians took a 3-lane highway (that's going in one direction) and turned it into a 5-lane highway. Your probably wondering how they can do that. Well you have the motorcyclists split the lanes as they drive along with traffic. Fortunately I got a picture of it, however I am unable to load the picture at this time.

Anyways, today I worked a full day at USC for preparation of the summer seminar that I'm a counselor for. What I did today was some office work on getting some of the students' files organized and accounted for, and I also did some physical labor on transporting 24pk of water from pick-ups to inside the dorm that the students and myself will be staying. Since the summer seminar hasn't started for me yet, all this work that I did today, part of yesterday, and tomorrow is that I'm getting paid separately from what I'll be making for the summer seminar. If things continue to be enjoyable as it has so far, I just might be doing this in future summers. Heck, I might even try to get some friends to fill out applications so that they could go out to California with me.

Well, that's it for today...write to ya'll later.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

First day in California...

Well I made it safe and sound to California. At first I was a bit concerned when I tried getting my boarding pass for Southwest Airlines finding out that my ticket had yet to be paid for. So I contacted my Aunt who was setting up my ticket for USC to pay for my flight, and two hours later everything was squared away. The only down side is that I had to wake up at 5:15 am Central time so that I could get cleaned up, have breakfast, and be at the airport by 7 am Central for my 8:25 am Central flight. So now that I'm in California, my body still feels two hours ahead than what California is. So even though it's 10:30 pm Pacific, my body think it's 12:30 am Central.

Anyways, once I got into California it has been a bit unreal. As I was going to my Aunt's work office, we passed by the Shrine (that's where the Oscars used to be held at) and found out that the BET Awards were being held there tonight. So there were plenty of limos outside the building and the roads that go to the Shrine were all blocked off. So that was pretty cool to see that.

While here in LA, I've been asking my Aunt as to what all is involved with this Summer Semimar that I'm being a counselor for and it from what it sounds like I wish I was a student in this program. All of these classes that are offered will count for college credit as an elective at USC, and some of them will count as high school credit. Some of classes that students can take are photography, intro to engineering, intro to videogame programming, dance, screenwriting, and acting just to name a few. Along with these classes that these students are taking, the classes will then also go on field trips on the weekend. Such as for the videogame programming class will get to go to Electronic Arts (the company that makes Madden football and Tiger Woods golf games) and Nintendo. How awsome is that?!

Along with the classes, the students gets really nice commodities to share while they are here. For example, I just went out today to help pickup some LCD monitors and printers for the computer lab that they will set up for the students in the summer seminar. Also there will be Nintendo Wiis, Xbox 360, and Playstation 3s for the students to play with while they are here. As soon as I heard all this, right now this sounds more like a vacation than work. However we will see how I feel here in a couple of days.

Well that's pretty much it for right now. Until the next post.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Hard to believe...

It's hard to believe that this time tomorrow I'll be in California for a month working at USC. It's exciting and nerve racking a bit. This will be my first time to be flying on my own without my family or a group.

So here's my plan, I'm hoping to keep people updated on how things are going on there in Cali. Well until then.