Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I sure am getting alot of experience under my belt...

as a student teacher. Within the time that I have been a student teacher at my school now for three and a half weeks I probably have experienced more than a normal student might. First of all, normal student teachers rarely get a chance to see how final exams are administered, recorded, and processed. So that experience started my "adventures" by coming to know that a group of at least 8-10 students being caught trying to cheat their finals with their cell phones on about 5 different classes. My first thought on this is what and why would students be pushed to make such a terrible decision that could very well get them suspended from school. Another situation I found kind of humorous what that a student that was signing a statement in the principals office was being texted by a student that was taking a final asking the one in the office where she was. The funny part was that the cell phone was in the hands of the Principal. I can't believe the dependence that students now a days have such a dependence on technology, specifically the cell phone. Oh and I forgot to mention that this occurred on the first day of finals and that this was number two unscheduled fire alarm within two weeks.

The next exciting event was that on third day of finals (first of two half days) was that right after the dismissal bell from the first exam, the fire alarm went off. To me, that was too coincidental for the fire alarm to go off right after the dismissal bell. Because of this unscheduled fire alarm, the students then lost 15-20 minutes on their second final of the day. We couldn't give the students more time because we couldn't hold the buses back since they had to pick up the middle school students as well. So in the end we had to adjust the points for the time that they did have to work on the exam.

Then this past week during the last period of the day, the faculty were given letters to send home with students saying that earlier that morning a 16 year old freshman was arrested for possessing a 9 mm gun on the school bus before the student could do anything with it. I look back now, and a few thoughts come to mind. First is that I thank God for the person that told the right people on seeing the student with a gun. Second, was that I'm wondering why this student brought a gun to school. And third is that the school that I am at could have some students killed at school if no one stepped up and notified the right people about the gun. Very scary to hear about this occurring at any school period.

Now with all this excitement, some good has come out it as well. I had my first real observation this past Wednesday by my University Mentor Teacher and it went very well. The lesson that I taught was a review on Geometry topics to help the students remember what they had learned in Geometry to aid them in the upcoming TAKS test. The lesson went well, the students were well behaved on their own accord, and in the end the university mentor teacher gave me good comments and great marks. So far my mentor teacher at the high school and the university mentor teacher has told me that I will be a great teacher. Now I got to make sure that I don't let this go to my head, and continue to work hard to focus on helping the students. I now have one observation down, and three to go as part of my student teaching.

So as I close for this entry, seeing that at least something "exciting" has occurred within each week of student teaching, I'm wondering as what I might experience the future weeks ahead of me...


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